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Puppy Tips


Bringing home your puppy!

Yay the day has finally come, and you get to bring home your new it's so fluffy family member! It is a good idea to have a crate ready for puppy. the crate should be used when new puppy is in unsupervised situations. such as you are going to be out of the house for several hours or its time for bed. Your new puppy will be use to sleeping in a crate for bedtime as we start using little crate around 6 weeks of age. it makes for an easier transition to their new home. We also like to keep a basket of toys so if your puppy is chewing something inappropriate you can remove the item and take puppy to his basket full of toys. repetition is key!


Potty Training 

from the time your puppy started walking we have been working on potty training. First with puppy pads and then as they become more sure on their paws out to the grass they go! By 8 weeks old your puppy has a great head start in potty training. most of them going home with 0-2 accidents. as always repetition is key in keeping this skill going. Any time your puppy wakes up take them straight to the grass. also, within 10-15 minutes of eating and drinking. please if you are having any troubles contact me and also refer to the potty-training chart in your puppy folder! we also find potty training bells can be a great way for your puppy to communicate the need to go! they can be found on amazon.

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just a few other things

* Sometimes puppies can get car sick, on their first ride especially. This is completely normal. they may vomit or drool. this should clear up with age. 

* it's good to start with leash training and basic commands right away labradoodles are a very smart breed and eager to learn.

* NO PUBLIC PLACES until your puppy has had all the required puppy shots. after the rabies vaccine around 15 weeks old you can start to venture out with your new buddy. 

* Grooming while your puppy is young is a good idea as it prepares them for full grooms when they are older. your groomer will love you for it! as adults you can expect them to be groomed every 6-8 weeks. if you like a longer coat daily brushing is a must.

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